

Sometimes while traveling, I feel like an astronaut that has been transported to a planet far far away. This typically happens when I’ve arrived in front of a landscape that is so foreign to me that both my brain and eyes can’t seem to fathom that what I am seeing could possibly be on earth. It’s a feeling that I chase every place I visit. Here are some of my favorite landscape shots that allow me to remember those awe inspiring moments.

Reine , Lofoten Archipelago – Norway
Northern lights over Reine, Lofoten Archipelage – Norway
Emerald fields of Ninh Binh – Vietnam
Eduardo Avaroa Reserve – Bolivia
Perito Moreno Glacier – Argentina
Lost on a dirt road – Big Island – Hawaii
Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon – Iceland
Valle de la Luna – Atacama Desert – Chile
House by the falls – Iceland


We spend so much time in a bubble; its limits set by the city we live in and the country we call home, that it is easy to lose track of the realities that others face around the globe. It is only once you spend time with those people, in their surroundings, that you begin to understand that a “normal” life is quite different from country to country. The photographs I take of people always lead me to reflect on what my life could look like had I been born elsewhere. They help me see both the beauty and hardships that others face, and in many cases have forced me to come to terms with the immense privilege I have coming from Canada and being able to afford to travel.

Local woman rowing in Tam Coc – Vietnam
A boy and his boat – Amazon river
Shepard and her sheep – Taquille Island – Peru
Group of miners on break, thankful for the gifts of coca leafs, alcohol, cigarettes and soft drinks we brought – “Man eating mountain” Cerro Rico – Bolivia
My guide in the Amazon took me with him to pick up his kids from school and his son tagged along to help spot sloths. – Amazon river – Colombia
Fisherman sharing his catch – Puerto Ayora – Santa Cruz Island – Galapagos


I would be lying if I said that I didn’t gravitate more towards animals than people when doing travel photography. I return to a state of childlike wonder when coming up close to an animal that I never imagined I would have the chance to see in the wild. Hard to find; harder to photograph properly. The challenge of capturing these wild creatures is both infuriating and incredibly rewarding when successful.

Orangutan, Gunung Leuser National Park , Sumatra – Indonesia
River dolphin – Amazon River
Hummingbird sanctuary – Cocora valley – Colombia

Sloth in the canopy – Amazon rainforest
Galapagos Marine Iguana – Isabela Island – Galapagos
Land iguana – Galapagos Islands
Magnificent Frigatebird – Galapagos Islands
Coati enjoying a snack – Costa Rica
Sealions – Beagle Channel – Tierra del Fuego – Argentina
Flamingos in the frozen lake – El Calafate – Argentina

Interested in purchasing one of these photos as a print for your home or office? Contact me for pricing and details.