Dragon Crest Mountain

Dragon Crest Mountain

Hiking dragon crest mountain 2022

If you’re staying in Ao Nang or Krabi and are looking for things to do that get you away from the beach, chances are you’ve stumbled upon the possibility of hiking the Dragon Crest Mountain. This hike will challenge you, make you sweat out all the Chang you’ve drank in the past, test your endurance and curse the many steep inclines. But the view from the very top makes it all worth while and then-some. Getting to the starting point is a simple matter of speaking with a taxi driver and negotiating a rate, in most cases they will agree to drive you there and pick you back up 4 hours later. This gives you ample time to reach the top, enjoy the view and hike back down without stressing for time. Proper shoes are a must as you’ll be navigating washed out rocky paths for the most part with tree roots and fallen trees as added obstacles. Bring plenty of water and unless you’re racing to the top, take plenty of breaks. In my case, the friend I did the hike with and I stopped at every KM marker to stop, catch our breath and drink some water. Going up will take you roughly 2 hours, with the first 2/3s of the hike being a proper workout going from steep to steeper as you venture up though the humid jungle. You’ll only start to get some semblance of a view once you’ve finished 2/3s of the hike so be patient as you test your mental and physical strength.

But again. Once you’ve reached the top, the view of Krabi and the sea in the distance is stunning.

The hike back down will take you a fraction of the time, though do watch your step as the rocks and tree roots will trip you up easily.